Posts Tagged ‘ farming ’

Garbage Warrior (documentary)

October 12, 2012

Michael Reynolds is a true maverick; he sees humanity marching toward the edge of a cliff and he’s not willing to go along with the crowd. Instead he uses his skills as a trained architect to show people that there is another, better way of living, one which is sustainable, ecologically beneficial, and 100 percent self-supporting. He builds homes–even entire communities–that are completely off the energy grid, collect water from rainfall, recycle waste, and are made from mostly garbage and recycled materials. It’s called “Earthship Biotecture” and it may very well be the most profound and practical solution to the pressing environmental challenges…

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Hedge funds buying African farmland

October 31, 2011

Starving? Not able to live off your land? Well here’s the solution: just sell it to a hedge fund! No time to worry about your family’s future when there are much more urgent problems to deal with! Economically this makes perfect sense–buy cheap farming land now and sell it when farming land becomes the next scarce resource:  Over 148 million acres of farmland in Africa have been purchased by Western hedge funds in the last three years. Western hedge funds have begun buying up vast parcels of land all over Africa. According to a series of new reports by the Oakland…

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Video: A Farm for the Future

August 9, 2011

The BBC describes the documentary A Farm for the Future as follows: Wildlife film maker Rebecca Hosking investigates how to transform her family’s farm in Devon into a low energy farm for the future, and discovers that nature holds the key. With her father close to retirement, Rebecca returns to her family’s wildlife-friendly farm in Devon, to become the next generation to farm the land. But last year’s high fuel prices were a wake-up call for Rebecca. Realising that all food production in the UK is completely dependent on abundant cheap fossil fuel, particularly oil, she sets out to discover just…

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