Posts Tagged ‘ advertising ’

Coronary Capitalism (by Kenneth Rogoff)

March 7, 2012

FRANKFURT – A systematic and broad failure of regulation is the elephant in the room when it comes to reforming today’s Western capitalism. Yes, much has been said about the unhealthy political-regulatory-financial dynamic that led to the global economy’s heart attack in 2008 (initiating what Carmen Reinhart and I call “The Second Great Contraction”). But is the problem unique to the financial industry, or does it exemplify a deeper flaw in Western capitalism? Consider the food industry, particularly its sometimes-malign influence on nutrition and health. Obesity rates are soaring around the entire world, though, among large countries, the problem is perhaps…

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The wonderful world of advertising

December 28, 2011

In order to appreciate the toxic nature of advertising and its corrosive effect on society, it is instructive to look to some ads from the past.  Yes it’s Coke for the wee baby, television for the toddler, beer for the nursing mother, second-hand smoke for the mistress, kitchen appliances for the sniveling wife, a pack of doctor-approved Camels for the health-conscious smoker, and a hand gun for the self-sacrificing husband (who must be looking for a quick way out of this nightmare).  

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