Posts Tagged ‘ violence ’

More guns = more gun violence

September 18, 2013

While the US has the highest rate of gun ownership of any country in the world, gun ownership and gun control legislation are deeply divisive issues among Americans. Some take pride in their country’s permissive gun culture; others see it as a national disgrace. At the heart of the debate between gun enthusiasts and their opponents lie a few questions of fact, chief among which is the question of whether more guns make people more or rather less safe. Fortunately, there is now enough evidence now to provide a convincing answer to this question. Two recent, independent studies, both published…

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Egypt: football violence and revolution

February 27, 2012

This post aims to provide information and insight to everyone left puzzled by the latest football violence in Egypt and the obfuscating mainstream media coverage that followed. Two articles are especially relevant. The first is written by James Montague, author of When Friday Comes: Football in the War Zone, a book about football and politics in the Middle East. The second is by Dave Zirin, author of “Bad Sports: How Owners are Ruining the Games we Love” and the documentary “Not Just a Game.” AlJazeera featured both articles in their opinion section. Some quotes from James Montague’s article (Egypt’s politicised football hooligans)…

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