Posts Tagged ‘ guns ’

Is the US in need of humanitarian intervention?

September 22, 2013

That’s exactly what Henry Porter argues in an interesting article in the Guardian entitled “American gun use is out of control. Shouldn’t the world intervene?” In support of his argument Porter presents three interesting facts that deserve our attention: 1. The annual death toll in the US from firearms is running at 32,000 and rising. 2. There have been more casualties from firearms in the US in the last 45 years alone (total 1,384,171) than the number of US casualties in all wars involving the US (total 1,171,117), including the American Revolution, the Civil War, World Wars I and II,…

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More guns = more gun violence

September 18, 2013

While the US has the highest rate of gun ownership of any country in the world, gun ownership and gun control legislation are deeply divisive issues among Americans. Some take pride in their country’s permissive gun culture; others see it as a national disgrace. At the heart of the debate between gun enthusiasts and their opponents lie a few questions of fact, chief among which is the question of whether more guns make people more or rather less safe. Fortunately, there is now enough evidence now to provide a convincing answer to this question. Two recent, independent studies, both published…

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