This talk was given by Peter Saul at the independently organized TED event in Newy, Australia. The original description reads:
Peter Saul is Senior Intensivist in the adult and paediatric ICU at John Hunter Hospital, and Director of Intensive Care at Newcastle Private Hospital. Having trained in Cambridge, London, Sydney and Harvard, he came to Newcastle to help start up the new ICU at John Hunter, and never left. He has been accused of being an “ethicist”, which he tries to deny, but does admit to having been Head of Discipline for Medical Ethics at Newcastle University in the past, and now provides ethical advice to the State and Federal health departments. Having been deeply involved in the dying process of over 4000 patients in the past 35 years, Peter has taken an interest in how we die, and how this has changed beyond all recognition in a single generation.
Peter Saul extends the discussion to euthanasia and the right to choose, shedding light on what happens when we combine the medical paradigm to “prolong death” with the extensive medical possibilities of the 21st century.